Thursday, November 8, 2012

What the F.F.F?


From their first appearance at ‘Jamburger' in 2009 the girls have been busy with face painting and poi performance as well as delving into their bags of tricks for some new acts, making any event an extravaganza. So I caught up with Sarah to see what they have been up to and what the future holds for the Festival Face-Painting Fairies.

If you haven’t come across the F.F.F. yet you are in for a treat. Sarah Hopkins (22) and Grainne Murphy (20) have been adding a bit of magic to local events as the Festival Face-Painting Fairies for a few months now. On inquiring as to how it all got started Sarah is more than willing to give an honest account. “We wanted to get into Jamburger for free so we said we would do some face-painting at it, we decided to go as fairies and it was a festival, so Festival Face-Painting Fairies. It all took off from there.” Since then the girls have worked at various fairs, festivals and parties. They delighted crowds at Christmas in the retail park and in the Spirit Store in the post-Jamburger revels.

The girls are keen to keep up the good work and hope to soon start entertaining at children’s parties and other local outdoor occasions. “I have always loved everything creative and have painted for years. It seemed like a natural progression to move into face painting. It’s something that combines my love of painting with getting out and meeting people."

Like everything in life this has its weird side “The weirdest thing I’ve been asked to paint? A kid once asked me to paint him as Dr. Who! The best I’ve ever done was my mate Gav; he was painted as Wes Borland from Limp Bizkit. The worst, a guy asked to be done as a ‘scary metaller’. I tried to do red spirals on his cheeks but he ended up with rosy cheeks and lip-stick.” Terrifying indeed.

But the girls are not limited to face-painting and regularly perform poi; recently they were seen at the live performances in the Dundalk’s Market Square on St. Patricks Day."I love Poi because I have a passion for music and doing Poi allows me to visually represent the rhythm and the mood of the music or song, which is a lot of fun". Grainne agrees, "Jeez I like spinning because it’s addictive and relaxing well as keeping you fit and it’s a good feeling to see people enjoy something you’re creating." 

It was Grainne that first started poi and got Sarah interested, after that they worked together. They are self taught, but always help each other out with new moves and ideas. “ My favourite song to do poi to, and it’s only because I started to listen to it around the time I started to get good, is Pretty Visitors by Arctic Monkeys, Grainne’s is pretty much anything by Infected Mushroom.”

Sarah is full of helpful advice for anyone interested in starting poi too. “The best thing to do is go to YouTube and look up ‘how to make sock poi’.  Always practice listening to your favourite songs and above all, have fun,”

The summer is coming and Fairies are becoming more active. “Well we are going to a Poi Festival, Sothern Lights, in the U.K. this summer and hopefully performing Fire Poi at the Electric Picnic”.  F.F.F. are also currently working on including hoola hoop, staff and contact ball into their already program of spectacular skills.

The girls are big supporters of the local music scene and I had to get one or two tips before I left. “Go see Insanity or I’d Fight Gandhi, or maybe DJ Yea Buzz from Drogheda.” 

We couldn’t help discussing the scene in general which begged the question was there anything lacking in Dundalk music scene? “Venues, especially for under age gigs somewhere like the AOH would be good. Yea brings back the AOH... imagine if the AOH was around now, Facebook would have a heart attack.”
But venues are no issue for these adaptable ladies. Fuelled by an entrepreneurial spirit and creative energy The FFF are set to paint the town red, and yellow and pink and green.....

By Niamh Kirk
Published March 2010

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